

Placed an order of various Smooth-On materials, some of which are flexible and some of which are more rigid to experiment with. Met with John Luther to discuss course selection for next semester. Continued to work on rough draft for ARTDES 399 where we are writing mock grant proposals and research for those proposals, it is really helping me to ask deep questions and will ultimately help me with writing my thesis.


I am really thinking about different materials and how forms can have different tactile textures that might give off different feelings. I am considering more modular pieces similar to my digifab project from last year where I 3d printed fidget rings that had modular tops so the wearer could swap out the one they needed for that moment. Perhaps the textures and materials of the wearables could be swapped out somehow for different needs?



Met with Franc, Sophia & Brandon about where I am in this stage of the project. They listened to be jump back and forth between different ideas in terms of the intentions of the products being categorized into coping, mindfulness, and tracking and also heard me out on my struggles as well as motivation to incorporate electronic components. However, I feel torn after seeing these two projects by artists that focus on materials and form rather than add flash to their projects that successfully relayed an experience. This is making me question whether Arduino needs to be incorporated at all or if I should push myself to work more so with materials and form.


I want to start exerimenting, everything so far has been either thoughts in my head or notes and sketchs in my book. I need to start physically feeling things to continue my research, but this time as a materials research rather than just academic or secondary research. I also have a lot of notes to consider from the crit:

-gesture to activate -> what are peoples stress gestures?

-how can playback be incorporated? -> can gestures control speed of functions?

-need to be more specific

-try out some of the Arduino tutorials to have a better grasp / to learn from it 

-experience vs. idea -> looks like vs feels like

-consolidate thoughts

-what is the story?

-for December maybe have some physical forms even if they don't necessarily work yet

-make them feel something physical

-mock ups of how things feel on the body

- education and awareness for the final exhbition


Artist Nicolette Bodewes designed a series of twelve products intended to be used as  visual aids during therapy appointments which are based on the “jungian Archetypes defined by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

Artist Nicolette Bodewes designed a series of twelve products intended to be used as  visual aids during therapy appointments which are based on the “jungian Archetypes defined by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

 Artist Nienke Helder designed what she calls therapy tools for women recovering from sexual trauma. These products are intended to help the user gain comfortability and confidence with their body again.

 Artist Nienke Helder designed what she calls therapy tools for women recovering from sexual trauma. These products are intended to help the user gain comfortability and confidence with their body again.



Spent the majority of the day reading from the packet that Franc gave me about Haptic Design and then taking notes on important sections. 


There are so many terms and theories of design that can be incorporated into this project. I feel like I have so much research but need to find a way to make it work with each other as well as have a way for people to understand its intentions.



Spent the day looking at the list of Arduino components I had placed on the budget list and tried to figure out what associated materials were necessary to make the functions functional. Spent the majority of the day looking up tutorials and reading the guides for each of the individual components.


I really don't know what I am doing when it comes to Arduino... But I am really really interested in finding out how to make them work. I am highly considering collaborting with someone in another program when it comes to the tech side of my project, and trying to find if I can somehow incorporate that in the budget. 



Worked on the different sections of the grant proposal including the grant narrative and the budget list and justification. I also collected images to show my process. I had to try to condence as much of the info as possible to get everything to fit.


Since I was able to get the ArtEngines grant I am writing the IP Grant to go towards prototyping. While I was working on the budget I realized it was getting pricey and wanted to have a realistic plan for the possible $300. 

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Submitted update IP project proposal over the weekend. Continued sketching for form and function. Researching different possible materials.


Sketching makes me realize that I might not have a full comprehension of the scale of some of these Arduino components and it might be more helpful to have them in front of me to then sketch how the form would exist around the components. The final form might not be metal even though that is my passion, a mixture of different materials might be more beneficial.

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Working on mind maps and different ways to get my ideas out and putting them up on my wall. Trying to narrow in on the intentions to help to guide the form and functions of my sketches. Also using my materials list to help me think about which electronic components can help relay certain calming mechanisms. Finished writing my review of Ramon Telfer's products for 399 Design Review essay.


I am starting to think that the final form doesn't have to be precious metal, that it could be rubber or a more flexible material, and even in combination with metals. Metal might come off too cold and rigid, where as a more malleable material might be more approachable for the function. I am thinking about the different intentions of the products and I have narrowed it into 3 potential categories of coping, tracking and mindfulness.

slide through pages below to read design review of Ramon Telfers work

slide through pages below to read design review of Ramon Telfers work



Continued working on materials and budget list for IP Grant. Reviewed and responded product inspiration and designer Ramon Telfer for ARTDES 399, the designer and products are inspiration for my IP final form. Sketching forms and contemplating functions for my wearables.


Writing the review for 399 I really helping me to think about the intentions of the wearables I am designing. With Ramon Telfers work, he has one product that promotes mindfulness for the user, and the other that helps the user to track their own triggers through written reflection. Both of these products are activated by the user and lay dormant without the users motivation to heal and or cope. food for thought!

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Gave a five minute presentation on project proposal. I found out on our day off that I received the ArtsEngines grant for $750 which is very excited and a big relief! I started working on my materials list and my budget list now that I have a better idea of what I can work with. 


There are still a lot of things in terms of context that I need to hone in on. I need to work on the language used to describe the projects in order for people to understand the concept, particularly when it comes to psychology and design terms. 

*click on images below to go through slideshow*



Handing in a draft of the project proposal. Met with Brandon about what was in my proposal. Gave a tour of stamps to a student I used to coach at a local high school.  Continued to work on annotated bibliography.


I need to be more concise with my proposal. what is the experience I am trying to create? What symptoms and parts of the body am I focusing on? How can a feeling be relayed? 



Applied to Arts Engines grant over the weekend! Cited readings and products for annotated bib. Transferred notes into annotations. Revised proposal outline. Gave proposal for presentation


Gotta get to it! Trying not to sound redundant in my proposal. Working on description.



Made outline for annotated bibliography and started citing the sources. Reviewed and rewrote proposal outline that we began in IPPP. Started sketching possible display options for IP. Read up on anxiety and PTSD on NAMI.org . Applied for Arts Engines Grant.


That I should focus on the wearables instead of that plus the anxiety installation. To hone in on two series, one more speculative and the other more commercial while considering the discursive overlap for both. Going back and forth about if I should focus on just anxiety or just PTSD rather than both, but then realizing that PTSD is an anxiety disorder so they are connected and relevant enough to each other.





Met with Franc, Sophia and Brandon, as well as Sydney for group crit. Reviewed articles and artists mentioned in morning convo. Researched flight or slight system.


That I should stay focused on just the wearables, rather than that plus the installation. I can have work towards two styles, one that is more discursive and the other that is more commercial. Still thinking about where on the body to design for.

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Met for group critique in the morning. In the afternoon I considered what was discussed during the crit in the AM and took some follow up notes on their responses and suggestions of artists to look in to. I also made a survey and passed it around.


I think the two things that I took the most from the group crit was to consider making my work more avant garde and bold rather than commercial and reserved to help break the stigma, and the other thing to consider is the form and placement of the body that would benefit grounding the most. The idea to go bolder and more discursive does make me a bit nervous since I am interested in the commercial everyday wear side since I think the can be beneficial, but Sophia made a good point that the more over the top ones will bring people in and help them understand the concept which will make the interested in purchasing the more commercial designs for themselves. In order to explore the best placement for the body I made a survey that asked how does your body respond to anxiety and where does your body respond to anxiety as well as a drawing and annotation section where the survey taker would explain where and how their body responds to anxiety.

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I played around with the Arduino kit for the first half of class. I worked on setting up the LEDs to correlate to the 4-7-8 breathing pattern, and also made it play happy birthday and twinkle twinkle little star by using the piezo buzzer. I also made a toy motor and a servo run, not totally sure what to do with it but it worked! two circuits didnt work but I am determined to figure out why! During the second half I did some thinking about how to apply the Arduino circuits to work with mental health and did some sketching.


I don't need to pigeon hole myself so much, I should just imagine/design what I want and then find a way to make it happen. Sketching helps lead my thoughts into form. I should sketch more...



Made a list of my triggers in a hierarchal order to decide which ones to explore first, mainly sensory things, people and places. Played with the Arduino boards and completing the first two exercises, blinking led and multiple leds. Thinking about how the Arduino exercises can apply to my future pieces.


Making just one light blink is not that simple so I really need to get working on understanding this if i want to apply it in an innovative way. I was thinking of approaching places and people in a chronological order but my therapist suggested going in order of lease difficult to most. I feel that I need to try to free write and sketch a lot to process my thoughts.



Worked on marathon poster. Printed out images and inspiration for walls. Talked with Brandon about where I'm at / what to do next.


I need to come up with some contractions for myself such as due dates and budget. Thinking about how to process my experiences and how to relay them.

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Researched Grants options. Started making a list of skills to learn and who to talk to. Ordered an Arduino starter kit that Sophia suggested to get an understanding of electronics. Printed photos and started mood board for both the wearables and installation.


Grants are going to be difficult since most the have already passed, I will keep looking but might have to figure something else out. I have a lot of prep work such as talking with professors and learning skills before I think I should start ideating form and design concepts.



Research interrogative design and search for essays and talks by Krzysztov Wodiczko. Consider timeline for project and question where to start. Convo with Brandon about my initial thoughts.


Set goals for myself, find people to talk to, make list of skills to learn, develop thought process and diligence.