Met with Franc, Sophia & Brandon about where I am in this stage of the project. They listened to be jump back and forth between different ideas in terms of the intentions of the products being categorized into coping, mindfulness, and tracking and also heard me out on my struggles as well as motivation to incorporate electronic components. However, I feel torn after seeing these two projects by artists that focus on materials and form rather than add flash to their projects that successfully relayed an experience. This is making me question whether Arduino needs to be incorporated at all or if I should push myself to work more so with materials and form.
I want to start exerimenting, everything so far has been either thoughts in my head or notes and sketchs in my book. I need to start physically feeling things to continue my research, but this time as a materials research rather than just academic or secondary research. I also have a lot of notes to consider from the crit:
-gesture to activate -> what are peoples stress gestures?
-how can playback be incorporated? -> can gestures control speed of functions?
-need to be more specific
-try out some of the Arduino tutorials to have a better grasp / to learn from it
-experience vs. idea -> looks like vs feels like
-consolidate thoughts
-what is the story?
-for December maybe have some physical forms even if they don't necessarily work yet
-make them feel something physical
-mock ups of how things feel on the body
- education and awareness for the final exhbition
Artist Nicolette Bodewes designed a series of twelve products intended to be used as visual aids during therapy appointments which are based on the “jungian Archetypes defined by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.
Artist Nienke Helder designed what she calls therapy tools for women recovering from sexual trauma. These products are intended to help the user gain comfortability and confidence with their body again.